Sunday 29 September 2024

The Hills

Last weekend DH and I spent some time helping Son#4 and his wife pack up their home in anticipation of renovations starting this past week. The plan is that they will be complete before baby arrives ... but as DIL#3 can attest, renovations and babies never go according to plan. I'm not sure why it is in our family that we participate in renovations at the most inconvenient of times and with the brightest of hopes - given the evidence around us - but we do.

Saturday afternoon was lovely for Spring in the Capital and we took some time out to go for a walk through bush that is being regenerated alongside a small creek. That such a haven can be found in the midst of a city was a surprise to me (being rather unfamiliar with cities) and as I gazed around, I was reminded of the Psalmist's words: I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help. My help cometh from the Lord, which made heaven and earth (Psalm 121:1-2).

I will lift up mine eyes. Something we all need to remember - and do - whether we are in the midst of renovations, or trial, or just life.